Thursday, May 12, 2016

I tried to overdose on drugs to kill myself.  I want to help others and prevent suicides.
Please share my post with everyone to help the mentally ill.To help the “drug addict  who still suffers in and out of these rooms.”
I have chosen to show you my love for this artist and this song.

 I think it sucks that the media EXPLOITS the mentally ill.  When a celebrity commits suicide, the MEDIA uses suicide as an advertisement to get better ratings and make a profit.
Our society does not  recognize the suffering OF EVERY  human being. The person who takes his life is in so much emotional pain. EVERYONE  WILL FEEL SUICIDAL ONE DAY. BAD BREAKUPS, GETTING FIRED, FINDING YOUR SPOUSE SLEEPING WITH YOUR   BEST FRIEND. FAMILY AND FRIENDS DYING AT YOUNG AGES. Let’s all get ready for life.

Now about myself: 
I am a member of NAMI. I have severe OCD & suicidal ideation. I made a video to help prevent suicide attempts.
I just finished the OCD clinic at UCLA.

 I also have Borderline Personality Disorder.​

I am creating this blog for people who suffer from mental and physical illnesses. Bipolar, depression, OCD, Schizophrenia, PTSD, etc.  It doesn’t matter what type of mental or physical illness you suffer from.  It can be cancer or panic attacks.
I also want to put an end to the stigma of mental illness.
 Everyone is welcome to share on this website and ask for help. Even if you think your “normal”, please read this.
 I just want to save at least one life from suicide. I want humans to ask humans for help. Many doctors are giving out the wrong drugs to the wrong people. There are only a few psychiatrists who I can count on. First ,I was diagnosed with Depression after my parents got divorced. Later, they labeled me as OCD.One day they changed their mind to bipolar. Next came Borderline Personality Disorder. Who knows what I am. If I walk into a different MDs office on the same day, I will be labeled 5 different names.
I lost my best friend Jason when he was 27 to suicide.
After Jason died, I attempted suicide several times.
I have been hospitalized in mental wards several times. I have been escorted by police in handcuffs to the nearest psych prison.  I became more suicidal after a few days. I would have to fake the MDs that I am happy now in order to get released. I would find myself on a bunch of the newest  trendy  drugs. The same drugs that pharmaceutical reps give MDs for free and donate $100,000 to the nearest MD so they prescribe their beautiful new baby drug.
I am so lucky to have been treated by MDs who were human because I usually had medical insurance. I feel scared for all the homeless people who end up like cattle.
My suicide attempts were so deadly. No one understood me. I hated everyone, even myself.
Why couldn’t they stop being so selfish? They were forcing me to live for them.
When I was attempting suicide, my friends and family were telling me that things will get better.
I was so angry. How can they lie to me? I was convinced that things will never get better. I even wrote a note. I said that I don’t want to hurt my family. I just saw no other way out. I want to join my best friend Jason in Heaven where we can be friends.
Every night for three years, Jason would visit me in my dreams. We were both on bicycles flying in the air. The dreams were real. I would ask Jason,  “Everyone is saying that you  are dead??”
Jason would always say the same thing.  “ That is bullshit .Tell everyone that I am alive.”
Today, I have so much gratitude that I am alive. I am also sober and I go to a 12 step meeting where I can share my emotions.  I need to keep my meeting  anonymous because there is a huge stigma for going to a meeting and reaching out. “ You’re just a drug addict. You’ll  be sober for a few days only.  Pretty soon you will be asking me  for money to get high.”
When I was suicidal, I had a sober friend who would ask me to go to a meeting. I would tell him No every time. That shit doesn’t work .
Then one day, I found out that my mom was going to die from cancer soon. It was my friend who took me back to my first meeting after 15 years. I wanted to kill myself because of losing my marriage and the only person who I loved.
 It was my meeting that kept me alive. I never wanted to hurt my family , friends, pets or  doctors. I just wanted to put an end to my suffering.
I  need to thank my cat and dog. They kept me alive. At least they loved me no matter what . After I survived my suicide, I visited my friendly neighborhood shrink. He looked at me after I told him about my suicide attempt. I never saw anyone look so angry. He looked me straight in the eye. “Are you a cruel person?”
I replied “ I don’t know. What are you talking about? And I am not a cruel person.!Everyone says I am the nicest guy. People love me.”
“ Who do you want to punish? Your family? Ex- girl friend?!!”
I thought to myself. Who is this asshole?I don’t think this rich therapist ever had to deal with the shit I had to suffer. This prick has spent his life in Beverly Hills.He has never walked in my shoes.
After I left his office, I kept wondering if I was actually a cruel person. My friends told me that I was the nicest guy. I still wondered until I saw my new doctor who I love.
She told me that I would be destroying my family and friends. They would be devasted.  You need to hold on. You need to have hope. I promise that “this too shall pass.” Parents aren’t supposed to be burying their kids.
                         Now back to my best friend Jason. He used a belt  and a chair to kill  himself. PLEASE DON’T TRY THIS.I was stupid enough to try this and the pain was so severe that I had to give up. I even drank as much alcohol and used as many drugs that I could hoard. I even listened to my favorite metal drug band . I heard my favorite ballad. I  listened to my favorite classic rock band play their most depressing song.
Then I would have to put on my favorite punk band play its only ballad. Then came the best 70’s classic rock band.

There is not a day that goes by without the  sadness of Jason's death. I am still  devasted. I feel guilty that I survived. What makes me so  special. Did Jason stop his pain.?Jason was raised by a mother who would never let him out of his house. He had no freedom. I was  6 years old when I saw Jason. He was half Hispanic, half Japanese. He never felt like he fit in anywhere.
I punched him in the eye. My mom and dad had just gotten divorced. I needed to release my anger. The next day, we became best friends. Jason’s mom loved my mom. He was only allowed to hang out with me. He turned to drugs when he was 13.I felt like I had already lost my best friend.

In 2016, my mom  suffered the most painful death from breast cancer. This was the most traumatic event of my life. God  does our medical system suck. They would kick her out of the hospital every few days. They told us that hospice was the best way to go. God were they wrong.
I wanted mom to stop suffering. I told the nurse “ I thought that assisted suicide became legal in California?”
“ We don’t do that. We wait for God!”
What kind of fucked up God was this. Mom never believed in God. Her parents were in the Holocaust. How could God allow that shit.How about the millions of kids getting raped? Or starving to death?”
People always told me that I was the nicest guy. Behind my back they would tell each other that I was crazy but nice.
. The truth is that we are all crazy. Some of us hide it better. I always felt that no one could ever understand me. How could the rich kids feel what I feel.
On the other hand, we need to forgive our parents. MOST IMPORTANTLY, WE NEED TO FORGIVE OURSELVES.
 Let's help each other.  We need to unite and be proud that we are special.
My only salvation was writing poetry. The poems then became lyrics. Then I joined a rock band. I love playing guitar. Now I am part of a rock band called Borderline Personality.
We wrote an album called “My Best Friend’s Suicide.” I hated the title.How can we glamorize suicide? I don’t want the next teenager killing himself while listening to this album. PLEASE don’t .
            On the other hand, our media is evil. If we don’t put suicide in the title, people will call us an overnight pop sensation. Teeny bopper music for 13 year old girl.
I never wanted to sell out. I had to sell out so I can save lives. This album has some disco in it. Don’t worry, 90% of the album is real shit.
Our next album is going to be the death punk metal.
Our album is dedicated to my mom who just passed away from cancer and to my best friend Jason who killed himself.
             Before I get old and die in a nursing home, I need to know that I gave kids something to help them. This album goes out to the kids who are bullied and have no friends. I need to thank Durga Mc Broom ( of Pink Floyd Fame), Ras Kass ( the best fuckin’ rapper who has real lyrics.  He’s talking about discrimination . He is not talking about sleeping with girls and taking drugs. Real rap died with the 90s. He’s also  my best friend and a real human being.), and Derf Scratch of Fear. RIP Derf. I love you.
             I also need to thank the best bands ever. People, you need to start listening to Maynard James Keenan, Tool, APC, Puscifer  Don’t forget Rage Against the Machine, Pink Floyd, Led Zep, Slayer, The Who, KISS.System of a  System of a Down. Method Man, Red Man, Erick Sermon, Depeche Mode, Lauren Rhodes,  Phyliss Brown, Shayne Holzman, Steve Coonen, Borderline Personality.
Joy Division was the best. Put on some Rush ( 2112).Jello Biafra, LARD, Keith Murray. Iron Maiden,Black Sabbath, the Bee Gees, Suicidal Tendencies,Neil Young, Paul Simon,King Crimson, Roxy Music,  David Bowie, DJ Khaled, and Rick Rubin, David Geffen, Bob Dylan, Johny Cash, Leonard Cohen, Counting Crows, The Germs, Foofighters, Afghan Whigs, Chili Peppers, Eminem, Linkin Park, Mars Volta.
 Most of all, RIP Layne Staley, Kurt Cobain,Prince, John Bonham, Syd Barret, Jim Morrison,  Jimi Hendrix and most of all John Lennon..
 Yes , our fuckin government killed him.Open your fuckin’ eyes!
Sorry, I probably left out the best bands because my memory sucks. You know who you are.

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